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Pressure Testing Incident
The injury was caused when the Technician was struck by a thermowell ejected from a 3/4¿ NPT female tapping in a 5K choke manifold during a pressure test.
Dismantle and inspect ALL pressure retaining threads on Yarmouth Base equipment using calibrated thread gauges. Ensure condition of threads are established and deficient components are scrapped andreplaced as required prior to any further pressure testing activity.
Pressure retaining threads and tappings should have been inspected for wear and corrosion during the maintenance of the choke manifold.
Calibrated thread gauges are to be used for checking the condition of the threads. The gauges were specified in the procedures but had not been used.
A review of the risk assessment for pressure testing had not been conducted prior to starting the test.
Two maintenance technicians entered the test bay to investigate leaks from the choke manifold assembly. It was not known if the pressure had stabilised prior to the technicians entering the bay. Actual pressure on the assembly was not know/recorded.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Health