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Some elements are naturally radioactive (they are called radionuclides) and are unstable. In order to become more stable they decay emitting energy and form other elements. The energy is emitted as radiation in three main forms: alpha particles, beta particles and gamma photons. The new element formed through decay is termed a daughter product. For example Radium-226 decays to Radon-222 emitting an alpha particle and gamma photons. In this example, Radon-222 is the daughter of Radium-226. These radiations can interact with surrounding matter to produce positively and negatively charged partic​les called ions. This process is called ionisation, hence the term ionising radiation.

Radiation that does not produce sufficient energy to ionise matter is termed non-ionising. Examples include: ultraviolet radiation, light, infrared radiation and radio frequency radiation. ​​​​​

RAC (Minutes of Meetings)
Radiation Source Register.xlsx
GU-750 - HSE Precautions for NORM Well Re-Entry.pdf
Management of Ionising Radiation
Radiation from mobile phones and communication antennas
Electric and Magnetic Fields from Powerlines
Microwave Safety in the Home
Emissions From Personal Computers and Monitors