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Safety Performance - YTD

Last Updated On : Year
PDO/Contractor fatality from work related incident
Third Party fatality from work related incident
Reportable, non recordable work related incident
PDO/Contractor non work related private commuting
Serious Injury, Illness and Fatality (SIF)
LTI injuries
Worksite lost time injuries
Road traffic lost time injuries
No of people injured (excluding FAC)
RAM 4+ Incidents (Monthly Updated)
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVI)
Fatal MVI (MVIs resulting in Fatalities)
Major MVI (LTIs, Rollovers, excl. Fatalities)
Serious MVI (MTC, RWC exculding Major MVIs)
Tier 1 Process Safety Incidents
Tier 2 Process Safety Incidents (On-Plot )
Tier 2 Process Safety Incidents (Off-Plot )
Incident Rates
SIF/F (per Hundred Million manhours)
LTIF (per million manhours)
TRCF (total injuries per million manhours)
MVIR (motor vehicle incident rate per million km)
Sever MVIR (Fatal, Major, Serious)
Million man-hours worked
Million km driven
Data on Threshold Data below Threshold