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2024 Action Alert- Fatality (Non PDO) inner tyre tybe burst 13th August Fahud.
After the pre-inflation of a HGV tire inner tube, the inner tube ruptured around one side of the radius, ejecting the locking ring and hitting a 52 years old driver located nearby, causing fatal injuries.
Your process for procuring tire inner tubes does not allow for out of specification purchases to be made. Your tire inner tubes conform to the correct industry/country standards. Your work practices related to tire inflation/deflation is compliant with the requirements of SP-2000 v.5 (Annex B-3: Tires). You have an established barricaded zone in the tire inflation area, preventing exposure to ‘Line Of Fire’ hazards.
The inner tube of the tire completely burst. The tire is a split rim with locking ring. The inner tube was one of a 1st batch newly received from different manufacture. The new inner tube has no specification/information on them. The tire was partially inflated with pressure around 25 psi outside the tire cage and placed vertically. The deceased was in the Line of Fire.

Category:LFI Action AlertsDocument Type:Safety