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LTI#09 - HAL Service - Fractured Hand- 05.07.2024 -Qurn Alam
On 05th July 2024 at 1500hrs, a 3rd party driver completed offloading liquids at Rig-45, he stopped the tanker outside the location and while exiting the truck cabin, his right foot slipped from the last step. He tried to break his fall by using his outstretched right hand. Soon after, he felt pain and swelling in his right-hand wrist. He was transferred to Rig medic and first aid given. The Driver sent to Fahud PDO clinic for further diagnoses. The X-ray revealed right hand was fractured.
How do you ensure Drivers knows how to safely position human body while descending from the truck cabin? How do you ensure the drivers use three point of contact while climbing and descending from trucks ?
The driver was exiting the truck cabin while facing forward. The Driver right foot slipped, causing a loss of balance contributing to the fall.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety