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2024 Firs Alert LTI#4 Fractured forearm while cleaning OBM cutting unit.
On 06.01.2024 at approximately 09:00 Hrs, While cleaning the Oil Based Mud (OBM) treatment plant, some dry OBM cutting dropped from the topside of Vertical Cuttings Dryer (VCD) onto the Helper’s right-hand consequently hitting his hand to the bottom hatch of the VCD unit resulted in an injury to his right-hand. He was taken to Badar Al Sama Hospital in Muscat where the X-rays revealed a fractured to his right forearm.
How do you ensure all hazards are identified before starting and during the task? How do you ensure crew are adhered to Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) while performing the task? How do you ensure the work is effectively supervised? Always expect the unexpected hazards while doing the task!
The hazard and risk of falling objects (dry OBM) were not identified and accessed. Standard Operating Procedure available but not followed. Lack of Supervision.

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety