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2023 First Alert LTI#19 Hand fracture released energy Qarn alalm
While carrying hydrotest for the flow line in Burhan, technician went to open the valve and suddenly the hose got detached from the manifold and hit his right hand dorsum and right leg. He was initially treated at QLM Galfar First Aid Center before being transported to Badr Al sama Nizwa hospital where x- ray revealed fracture to fourth metacarpal bone right hand.
How do you ensure the compliance to the hydro test procedures? How do you ensure the pre-start inspection for the task performed? How do you ensure availability of valid certifications for the setup and testing equipment
The hydro test manifold inlet bypass/discharge valves were in closed condition. Pre-start inspection to the hydro test manifold was not done. The whip lock arrestor not properly tightened with hose connected to manifold

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety