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2022 2nd Alert LTI06 Roustabout lost balance while descending stairs and fell
What happened? The Roustabout came down the Rig Floor stairs after bringing the 48”wrench to the Floorman. On the last 4 steps of the Rig Floor stairs he lost balance and fell down. The Floorman came to ask him if he is okey. The Roustabout walked to the rest area near the RM Office caravan. The Roustabout complained about pain in his left leg. The NTP gave ice for cooling. As the pain got more, the Night Tool Pusher took him to the Shaleem Hospital (16 km). He was diagnosed with a broken left leg. Why it happened/Finding: The Roustabout was wearing full PPE The Safety shoes are in good condition The Roustabout held only one side of the handrail Handrails are oily, his gloves were full of oil Stairs not fully levelled (13º degrees incline towards rig floor) Roustabout has 10 months Roustabout experience, Valid FTW
Ensure to hold both sides of the Handrail Ensure to walk slow in stairs Ensure good footwear (check sole of Safety Shoes) Always check stairs are levelled Ensure handrails not slippery (see small pic: solution grip band)

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety