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2022 2nd Alert LTI04 Rear spring of the low bed trailer ramps got released and hit the floorman
What happened? On 20.02.2022 the hoist move was in progress. The Heavy Vehicle Driver (HV Driver) and the Floorman were at the old location in order to load the Cherry Picker on a low bed trailer. They tried to lower the rear spring-loaded ramps of the low-bed trailer. While doing so, they noticed that one of the spring-loaded ramps was broken. The issue was communicated to the Night Toolpusher (NTP) via WhatsApp. Meanwhile the HV Driver brought a crowbar and was attempting to adjust the spring while the Floorman was pushing the ramp in order to release the tension. The spring got released suddenly causing the ramp to spring back and lower at a much faster speed than expected. In the result, the Floorman sustained an injury and was shifted to Salalah hospital for further medical treatment. Why it happened/Finding : The damaged ramp was identified and the NTP was informed prior to starting the job The Floorman and the HV Driver failed to wait for the further instructions from the NTP and proceeded with the task The Floorman was standing in the line of fire No risk assessment was performed, no intervention was made to stop the unsafe practices No direct supervision at the time of the incident (hoist move, out of sight) The receiving inspection of the trailer had not been done to identify the issue with the ramp before the hoist move
Always have adequate supervision and manage out of sight accordingly Always stay away from Line of Fire hazards Always perform the in-coming goods/equipment inspection and report the non-conformities Always intervene and stop unsafe practices Always perform risk assessment and “step back” prior to the task Never proceed with the task if there is no work instruction or JHA available for it

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety