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2021 2nd Alert LTI25 Banksman pulled the lever of the backhoe bucket, the bucket releaes and dropped over operators leg causing fracture
A hired backhoe loader operator and a banksman were involved in replacement of backhoe bucket at Contractor's temporary Industrial yard. They identified that the bucket releasing lever was jammed due to mud residues and decided to clean by keeping the bucket face down position for better access for cleaning. After cleaning, while the operator was checking the lever, the banksman pulled the lever as he thought that the operator is trying to release the bucket by pulling the lever. The bucket released and skid over operator’s left leg and rest on foot causing displaced fracture of 5th metatarsal bone. Why it happened/Finding : The backhoe bucket kept one side raised from ground, created line of fire hazard The operator kept his foot in a line of fire. Inadequate communication and coordination between the operator and banksman. Risk assessment and TBT for the specified activity was not conducted Learnings from similar past incident with the other contractor was not implemented
Confirm all the hazards are identified and discussed before starting the job. Always ensure your legs and body parts are away from line of fire. Always ensure communication and coordination while working in a group Ensure employees are made aware of the learnings from similar incidents and protected from pertaining hazards Keep your body parts away from Line of Fire

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety