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2021 2nd Alert NAD3 Technician collapsed in the car upon arrival to work
While the deceased was joining duty after rest days on Monday 15/02/2021 and on the way from Marmul Airport to Marmul Camp in a PDO approved vehicle with two other colleagues, he collapsed in the vehicle. He was given CPR by his colleagues while driving to Marmul Clinic. Reached Marmul Clinic at 09:30 Hrs and was attended by medics. Despite all efforts to resuscitate him, he was declared dead at 10:45 Hrs by the doctor
Know the symptoms and seek medical attention in time. Always ensure first aid is given while medical professional is called Always ensure 5555 is called Always ensure correct medical emergency vehicle is used Always follow Medical emergency procedure Always be active and maintain healthy living style Call Emergency number (5555) to seek timely assistance

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety