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2020 2nd Alert LTI#24 (Hands & Fingers) Fishing enginer trap his left 4th finger
The task of installing the bowl housing was under the supervision of second party PDO Contractor Fishing & Remedial Experts Enterprise (FREE). While installing bowl housing (FREE Equipment) for manual slips (lifted by webbing sling and lowered by winch line), the Fishing Engineer from noticed that the bowl housing was not aligned with the centre of the BOP. The Shaleem Floorman was in the process of aligning the bowl housing using the webbings sling. The Fishing Engineer stepped forward to align the bowl housing by putting in between the bowl housing and the safety floor. The Fishing Engineer left hand fingers were pinched between the safety floor and the bowl housing. He received a fracture on the 4th phalanx.
Always do not participate in the job if you are the Supervisor. Always do not expose your body parts or yourself in the line of Fire. Always intervene by agreed signal (hand signals or voice command) if necessary.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety