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2020 2nd alert LTI#14 (Released Energy) FM got Injury on his right thigh while removing Tong dies
At approximately 11:30 hrs on 03rd July 2020, While removing the manual tong dies using the die drive tool, one of the dies was stuck and the floor man used chisel with chisel holder to hammer the dies. While hammering, a small fragment from the die broke off and hit the floor man on his right thigh causing cut injury.
Always ensure that the dies that cannot be removed with die drive tool shall be taken to the workshop. Always ensure not to use chisel and hammer for removing dies. Always ensure that the body parts are not in the line of fire whilst hammering. Always ensure SOP is correctly followed and no deviations. Always intervene and correct the work method if deviation from the SOP is observed.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety