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2019 Second Alert LTI#01 Struck by
Derrickman planning to change the seals on the hanger assembly requested the forklift operator to lift one end of the assembly to put the seals through. After having it completed, the forklift operator started performing a reverse maneuver to leave the worksite area and while doing that he tapped the other side of the assembly with the forklift’s rear tire that resulted in one of the stands falling onto the ground together with the assembly and striking the employee on the right foot
Always use approved and designed specs tools and equipment Always identify hazards/risks of the task and implement control measures Always ensure that the worksite is safe to operate Always ensure that all concerned parties attend pre-job brief Always ensure adequate supervision and spot checks during the task Always use Take 5 before, during and after the task Mobile equipment shall not move without adequate signals

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety