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2018 Second Alert - SA019_LTI19
Vehicle was travelling towards Muscat from Mussanah with a full load of pipes suffered a blow out to the front driver side tyre. The vehicle swerved to the left through both Armco barrier’s to the opposite side of the road before tipping on to the passenger side coming to rest across the carriageway. The load came off of the trailer, 19 of which remained on the highway and 23 of them went down the embankment before coming to a rest on the deserted ground at the bottom off the main highway. A 3rd party vehicle travelling on the opposite side of the carriageway has struck the pipes that were on the road and a second 3rd party vehicle has been reported to also have been involved.
Do you check your tyre conditions regularly Do you ensure tyre pressures are correct and checked regularly Do you ensure the tyre’s are in date (max 4 years) Do you conduct daily vehicle inspection before starting your journey

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety