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2018 Second Alert - SA051_HiPo#21
On the 27th December 2017 at approximately 17:30 hrs, during the move of a Rig in Saih Rawl, an crane after successfully completing a lift, was manoeuvring towards the rig pad parking area when it moved too close to an Over Head Power Line (OHPL) which was 8.7 meters high. This resulted in an electrical arc between the centre line of the OHPL’s and the sheave pin on the crane boom. The operator then immediately reversed the crane out of the danger area.
Always ensure adequate supervision and banksmen are available for crane operations Always ensure you have a banksman when maneuvering your crane Always ensure you follow the instructions of the foreman Lower crane boom when maneuvering Lifting slings must be secured and not free to swing or drag on the ground Ensure you have received a brief and are aware of any nearby hazards

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety