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2017 Second Alert - SA030_LTI#26.pptx
A cementing bulker was driving from Nimr towards a Hoist located at Anzuz. At approximately 14:30, two of the bulker rear outer passenger side tyres burst. The driver attempted to stop the vehicle but lost control of the vehicle resulting in a rollover. The driver received a fracture to the left side of his pelvis.
Always scan the road for foreign objects. If you get a tyre puncture, reduce the speed and stop. Before taking the vehicle off the road on the road shoulder, please judge the slope on the shoulder and drive very carefully and slowly. Do not try to bring back the vehicle on the main road after it had entered on the road shoulder. Ensure that all tanker/bulker drivers have attended DD04 course. Ensure that all your newly recruited drivers are competent to drive the vehicle type assigned to them. Ensure that no Journey Management plan is issued if driver has not attended all mandatory Defensive Driving and other requierd HSE training.
Always follow “Defensive Driving Technique” all the time.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety