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Prevent Fatigue and Drowsiness while Driving

Be assured that feeling drowsy at the wheel puts you at higher risk of killing yourself, your passengers and other innocent victims.

To avoid feeling fatigued and drowsy while driving, please read the tips below to ensure having a safe journey.

Before starting the journey: make sure that:

  • You are fit to drive, by having a good sleep a night before
  • You have carried out the vehicle daily checks
  • You have planned your journey and agreed with your Journey Manager
  • You understand the risk if you have to get up unusually early to start your trip, or have a long drive after a full day"s work
  • You avoid making a trip after sunset
  • You avoid having heavy meal, as this may cause drowsiness.

While on journey:

  • Take a 15 minutes break every two hours for light vehicles
  • Take 1 hour after 4 hours of continuous driving for heavy vehicles
  • Share the driving if possible
  • If you start feeling drowsiness stop immediately and make sure that you stop away from the road shoulder
  • Working hours must be in line with Omani labor law {12 hours rnox].

Symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness:

  • Yawning and having difficulty to concentrate
  • Difficulty of keeping your eyes open
  • Nodding head
  • Vehicle is drifting out lane.

These are some of the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness, so if you sense any of them, then you have to stop in a safe place and take enough rest.

What some of drivers do like is opening the windows to get fresh air, playing the radio etc. will not help and will not solve the problem, the only solution is to stop and have enough rest.

Category:Posters StickersDocument Type:Road Safety