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IVMS Circular -"What date do you need to provide your vehicle?"

FMSi have begun IVMS installations into the PDO fleet, the first being the Managing Director¿s company car last week. We now have over 72 of the coastal fleet installed and are ready to visit the interior locations from Saturday the 27th November.

The attached schedule for installation has previously been distributed but if you have not yet seen it then check what date you need to present your PDO allocated vehicle to the PDO pool car-park in your area. FMSi engineers are kindly working through the night to minimise disruption to your work and to ensure you vehicles will always be available to you during the day. Also attached is the process to follow, please ensure you are familiar with the requirements. A charge of RO45 will hit your budget if you fail to provide the vehicle when required or fail to exchange your vehicle with an alternative for your installation slot.

Good luck and hope you look forward to driving with a Travel Buddy installed in your car.

More information on training courses for IVMS will be available shortly.

If you need any further information then please do not hesitate to contact Chris Evans MSE13, Narjis Mohammed UWLC32 or the pool car attendants in each interior location.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety