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On Saturday, 11 May, 2002, three contractors lost their lives in an incident at the GASCO Bu Hasa NGL Extraction Plant.
The contractors were part of a team that was removing molecular sieves from an NGL drying unit into a truck. Two of the contractors were leveling a mound of molecular sieves in the truck when they suddenly collapsed. A third contractor jumped into the truck to assist his colleagues and also collapsed.
Emergency response was activated but the three contractors could not be revived. The medical report states that the deceased were exposed to Hydrogen Sulphide gas (H2S) which caused respiratory failure and resulted in cardiac failure.
An investigation team was immediately formed, which includes relevant GASCO staff supported by representatives from ADNOC and the Oil Fields Security Police. The recovery procedure for the removal of the molecular sieves was reviewed with Plant Management and this was successfully completed on 14 May. All GASCO plants will immediately review their operational procedures for the removal of molecular sieves from driers and will not undertake such an activity without prior authorisation. GASCO Plants will conduct H2S awareness campaigns to ensure that all relevant staff and contractors are advised of the hazards. Further action will be also be required on completion of the investigation.
REMEMBER: Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) has killed many people in the Oil and Gas Industry. This tragic incident must serve as a warning to everyone working on GASCO plants/pipelines

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety