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The Life Saving Rules

LSR Declaration


In PDO, we put people at the heart of everything we do and maintain a full commitment to the Golden Rules and our adherence to the Life Saving Rules.

The Transitioning to a new set of Life-Saving Rules have been adopted from the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), this transition is an integral part of PDO’s refreshed approach to safety. This:

  • Simplifies and standardizes PDO’s approach to safety with our industry partners
  • Broadens scope of the rules focusing on potential for harm to people (e.g. ‘Line of Fire’)
  • Creates greater individual and team ownership through “I-statements’.

That everyone in the organization (PDO and Contractors) understands and complies the Life Saving Rules.

Non-compliance to Life-Saving Rule

Acknowledging that everyone can make mistakes or errors, and ensuring we set clear performance standards and learn from incidents, are part of how we help each other to follow the Life-Saving Rules.

When something does go wrong, we priorities the learnings and apply an approach called Fair Event Handling. Fair event Handling is how we expect leader’s to respond, and the processes that they should follow related to the findings from an adverse HSE event.

If a life-saving rule is not followed, despite all enabling conditions being in place, then consequence management may have a place (LSR management section of HSE MS

More details on peer-to-peer / non peer-to-peer intervention and reporting of Life-Saving Rule events here