The objective of the Corporate Occupational Health Department (MCOH) is to advise management and the line on how to achieve and maintain optimum health and productivity for employees through provision of expert medical, occupational hygiene and public health advice.
Data Management
MSE5 is the hub for the Safety and Environmental information reception, processing and communicating across the company, its contractors and shareholders. Establishes the basis for annul corporate strategic planning through analyzing of data from incidents investigations, behavioral observations and level 1 auditing. It tracks corporate plans execution, stratus of actions from the level 1 assurance and HSE performances and provides feedback to the company, it’s contractors and the shareholders.
The data management team has the following key responsibilities:
Ensure that the relevant HSE policies, guides and standards are appropriate to mitigate incidents risks and up to date and effectively communicated. Verify for understanding and complience by users
Conduct HSE-MS Reviews
Using the root cause analysis tools and relevant experince provide expert advice to PDO staff and Contractor to ensure quality incident investigation. Ensure incident reports are comprehensive and accurately analyzed for root causes in order to facilitate lateral learning.
Develop annual corporate L1 HSE-MS audit program, execute program, track audit action execution and report status to management. Accountable to IAC/BAC and other stakeholders that all HSE expectations are met by mitigating any risks identified in Audits to ensure staff operate in a safe environment and are not at health risks. Praticipate in joint management HSE-MS inspection
Extract HSE learning from incidents, audits, and observation data for cross PDO and contractor learning. Provide inputs to incident mitigation strategies and plans.
- Ensure the Incident data Management system is utilized effectively in accordance with PR1418 and GU612 Standard and Guidelines.
- Develop pool of local professionals in the use incident root cause analysis tools (Tripod and other relevant incident investigation tools) and data management system through proper training programs and on line supports.
- Ensure quality of HSE data through Identifying key data providers, deliverables, delivery time and optimum flow procesess. Generate HSE Statistical Data for PDO HSE Reports.
- Ensure accuracy and appropriateness of HSE Lateral Learning material and for posting on PDO HSE Web.
- Provide inputs to the business performance review reporting and annaul HSE performance apparaisal