Transparent Foundations: Obtaining approval to engage in Work Outside PDO
In the ever-evolving landscape of professional endeavors it is not uncommon for individuals to find themselves pursuing interests and opportunities that extend beyond the confines of their primary employment.
PDO recognizes the importance of fostering a diverse and intellectually stimulating work environment. However, it also acknowledges the potential conflicts of interest that can arise when employees engage in external activities.
By addressing these conflicts proactively, we promote transparency, integrity, and uphold the trust placed in us by PDO.
The Public Fund Protection and Conflict of Interests Avoidance Law, promulgated by the Royal Decree No. 112/2011 has proclaimed that employees of companies in which the Government of Oman has more than 40% shareholding to be considered as Government Officials and as such for the purpose of this Law PDO employees are included.
In accordance of both the Public Funds Protection Law and the PDO Code of Conduct, employees are prohibited from holding concurrent positions or engaging in private sector activities related to their primary role at PDO without obtaining prior permission from the MD.
To ensure compliance, all staff are required to fill out and submit an application form contained in the "Work Outside of PDO" section in the Conflict of Interest Tool (COI). Authorization can only be granted by the Managing Director.
All new applications, renewals, and modifications should be submitted using the prescribed form. The Ethics and Compliance team will review the request to confirm procedural compliance. The permissions granted will have a maximum duration of one year and will expire on the specified date in the authorization. However, approval or rejection will be communicated within sixty days from submission. No response will be considered as a rejection of the application.
By disclosing involvement in activities outside the company, employees demonstrate their commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards in upholding the organization's values.
This transparent approach helps ensure that any potential or perceived conflicts of interest are identified and addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.