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Tips for contractors

PDO's core values of honesty, integrity and respect are the cornerstone of our license to operate, and PDO's reputation can only be sustained if it acts in accordance with the law and its ethical standards. An integral part of PDO's activities are you, our contractors. Only together can we ensure that we are free of bribery, corruption, conflicts of interest, favouritism, nepotism and/or any other form of misconduct and inappropriate behaviours.

Our Code, Statement of General Business Principles and procedures set out PDO’s expectations and requirements for contractors regarding compliance, and preventive activities, concerning potential or perceived unethical or immoral behaviour when dealing with PDO and its staff. All business activities must at all times be based on morally and ethically correct behavioural standards.

Please be assured that PDO always supports and promotes ethical conduct and as such will investigate each alleged unethical business practice reported to PDO.

If you have come across perceived, potential or actual instances of inappropriate business activities, please report this to the Ethics & Compliance team. You can do so anonymously to the Ethics and Compliance team via the Blow-the-Whistle e-mail [insert link] or you may read more on this in PDO's Blow-the-Whistle page [insert link].

Your loyalty, commitment and compliance empower PDO and its stakeholders to sustain an world-class ethical workplace and your cooperation is both essential and appreciated.

Follow this space, to read, learn more and receive other tips from time-to-time, that may assist you in doing ethical and compliant business with PDO.